I hear ya. And I've got an idea.
We've got to pass legislation to toss "Global Warming" and replace it with "THE CLIMATE CRISIS". Kinda makes it difficult to ignore, mock or to sweep under the rug, don't you think?
People who shall remain nameless (okay, Mark and thousands more) are missing the big picture. They're finding it too easy to turn a blind eye to what we're doing to our environment, our atmosphere and our home planet.
The media is partly to blame -because a cynical and significant portion (okay, FOX News and then some) aren't giving it half the attention that they've given the passing of Don Ho. The white hot spotlight of news is too focused on Angelina's next adoptee or Sanjaya's next hairstyle rather than addressing the threat of extinction to, among other species, the Polar Bear. I mean, aren't Polar Bears as cute as any of Angelina's kids??
There's a very revealing part of the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", where they look at a sample group of articles from scientific journals on Global Warming and find 100% report a very real threat. Conversely of the same number of reports sampled in the mass media, nearly HALF either discounted or refuted the reality of a global warming crisis.
(And now because of a rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth media circus surrounding Don Imus and an offhanded remark (yes, it was offensive and racist and sexist and just STUPID but you're telling me that it's worse than anything Howard "PigBoy" Stern ever said? Or did? Or promoted?? I don't think so... but I digress) we've lost the voice of a man who at least had some sort of awareness of the dark side of politics and media and attempted to shine a little light on it. And who, or what are we left with? Oh, I've gotten way off track.)
All I want to say is, let's start referring to the fact that the temperature of the earth is steadily climbing, that we're facing horrific and uncontrollable weather events that are resulting in great loss of lives, homes and property (and even, baby rant here: the loss of STINKING INSURANCE COVERAGE by the companies that were more than happy to take your money when there was little chance they'd have to give it back). Oh dear. I seem to be building up a lot of steam.
Ah hem...
Again, the point that I'm calmly and quietly trying to make is, can we just get a movement going to replace the soft-peddled and innocuous 'global warming' with the way more direct and impossible to ridicule 'Climate Crisis'? Maybe that way no one will be able to make a joke about it when a record cold is recorded (climate crisis!!) or there is an unseasonable amount of rainfall (climate crisis!!).
I say give it a name with some teeth. Maybe that's the only way it'll really sink in for some people.